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Here's a look at the work I'm most proud of. I'll also be writing about some of my adventures in my blog. Thanks for checking out my site!

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1. I love the chance to be curious and ask really random questions, which is why I went into news. 

2. Case in point? I called Casa Bonita every day for six months to figure out when they would reopen amid COVID-19. I haven't gotten an answer, but won't stop trying. 

3. I'm technically a certified gold appraiser. 

4. I don't think I actually remember how to appraise gold. 

5. I think you should read more than you write. 

6. I love to train for long trail races. 

7. I think I honestly do these races for the guilt-free nachos afterwards. 

8. My first concert was Fountains of Wayne, of "Stacy's Mom" fame. I consider them the most underrated band of the 2000s. 

9. I went to Graceland alone

10. I honestly wish I could decorate my house like Graceland. 

11. I have a golden retriever and own a Subaru, but I swear I'm not as insufferable as that makes it seem. 

12. I am a Colorado native, though. 

13. I think good social media should tell a story. Your audience will get sick of you if all you do is promote yourself. 

14. Speaking of promoting yourself, I've run out of things to say. 

15. Maybe I'm not as good at making lists as I thought? 

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